Seed Community Development Anchor Institution Fund

​​ The Seed Community Development Anchor Institution Fund provides competitive grants and loans to anchor institutions for community development projects in blighted areas of the state.

Who Can Apply

Eligible applicants are anchor institutions defined as an institution of higher education in the state or a hospital institution in the state that:

  • An institution of higher education in the State; or
  • Hospital institution in the State that:
    1. Has a group of at least five physicians who are organized as a medical staff for the institution;
    2. Maintains facilities to provide, under the supervision of the medical staff, diagnostic and treatment services for two or more unrelated individuals; and
    3. Admits or retains the individuals for overnight care.

Eligible Projects

Funds from the Seed Community Development Anchor Institution Fund may be used only to provide grants and loans to anchor institutions for capital improvement projects in blighted areas of the state. To be eligible for a grant or loan, an anchor institution must provide evidence of matching funds from a private source.

How To Apply

Projects must be located in an area of blight and support the improvement of a neighborhood that surrounds an anchor institution. Blighted areas are areas in which the majority of buildings have declined in productivity by reason of obsolescence, depreciation, or other causes to an extent that they no longer justify fundamental repairs and adequate maintenance. Projects DO NOT need to be located inside of a Sustainable Community, but if located inside a Sustainable Community, will be given priority consideration for funding. To determine if your proposed project is located in a Sustainable Community please use this link:

Applications are evaluated based on need, community conditions, project/program scope, proposed timeline, budget, and organizational capacity. When the competitive round is open, the application can be found at​.​

More Information

To find out more about our programs, please contact your Regional Project Manager.
