Business Lending

The Maryland Department ​of Housing and Community Development believes that small businesses are the engine that drives our economy. The department offers loans and business growth tools to new and expanding small businesses and nonprofit organizations whose efforts help improve and revitalize existing commercial districts and town centers. Our Neighborhood BusinessWorks loan program is used by small businesses and lending partners to provide financing options during all phases of business growth. The department is seeking to strengthen our partnerships with banks, community development financial institutions (CDFI’s) and mixed-use developers to explore how to help lenders and entrepreneurs turn business plans into actual, brick and mortar businesses.

Small Busines​s Lending ​Solutions


Opportuni​ty Zones

Looking to start or expand your business? The Opportunity Zone program may be a great way to source additional capital and receive federal tax incentives.

Business Lending Solutions

Business Lending Solutions

Small businesses and startups in Maryland can get help to grow through a range of financing programs available from the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development.

State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI)


State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) The State Small Business Credit Initiative will provide funding for small bu​siness financing programs, including capital access programs; loan participations; loan guarantees; collateral support, and; venture equity programs. ​

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Project Restore

Project Restore

Project Restore provides financial support to​ Maryland’s new or ex​panding businesses to help incentivize commercial investment in vacant retail and commercial properties.​

Support B​usinesse​s in Your Comm​unity with Len​ding Solutions

Learn how Neigh​​borhood BusinessWorks can ​help support local businesses and entrepreneurs