State Revitalization Programs

​​​​​​​​​​​​The Department’s State Revitalization Programs (SRP) offer a range of funding to further the revitalization goals of communities across Maryland. The funding programs listed below are primarily used to support expenses associated with capital projects – in other words, something that will result in “bricks and mortar” with at least a 15-year shelf life. The most competitive applications for funding explicitly connect a project to the revitalization strategies and goals from their community’s Sustainable Community Action Plan​.

All projects awarded SRP funds should be located within the boundaries of a Sustainable Community and help achieve the outcomes identified in a community’s Sustainable Communities Action Plan.
Sustainable Communities Program
Sustainable Communities Boundaries

While every community is different, SRP funds often focus on revitalization projects targeted to commercial and residential districts. Common types of SRP projects include but are not limited to:

  • Upper story redevelopment that increases residential dwellings in historic business districts 
  • Commercial façade improvement programs to enhance the marketability of a downtown or Main Street 
  • Adaptive reuse of vacant schools for community and educational amenities, such as, community centers and health care or day care facilities 
  • Neighborhood pocket parks to make residential areas more attractive to new home buyers and existing residents 
  • Arts, cultural and historic amenities, such as museums and theaters, to not only provide entertainment to residents, but attract visitors 
  • Small business incubators to help attract new businesses to downtown 
  • Development or enhancement of community open space or neighborhood beautification and place making projects 
  • Acquisition/rehabilitation of vacant residential properties to increase the supply of low/moderate income housing units

Some programs have additional location requirements. Many programs also have specific financial matching requirements. These requirements can be found in the Program Guidelines located at the bottom of this webpage. The Department cannot guarantee a round of funding in every program each year as funding is requested by the Governor and subject to the approval of the General Assembly. The detailed program guidelines for all State Revitalization Programs can be found at the bottom of the page.

Below is a list of funding programs with information on their purpose, eligible applicants, and eligible use of funds:

How to Apply

Applications are evaluated based on need, community conditions, project/program scope, proposed timeline, budget, and organizational capacity. All applications must be submitted online via the project portal.

The Fiscal Year 2023 application round for State Revitalization Programs has been announced!

  • Round Announcement: Thursday, May 12, 2022
  • Project Portal Open to accept applications: Thursday, May 19, 2022
  • Applicant Training: Wednesday, May 25, 2022 (Two virtual sessions)
  • Online Applications Due: Wednesday, July 13, 2022 at 3:00 PM

Video of the May 25, 2022 Applicant ​Training Session​

To begin or continue an application, visit the project portal beginning on May 19, 2022.

More Information

Contact your regional project manager if you have any questions concerning these programs or current funding opportunities.