Community Safety Works

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is administering three separate Community Safety Works grant opportunities to improve the livability and economic potential of Maryland communities through targeted investments in crime prevention that impact community safety.


​​Community Safety Works grant opportunities​

Facility and Community Improvement:

The minimum grant request is $10,000 and the maximum grant request amount is $25,000

Eligible Applicants: A tax-exempt nonprofit organization, including faith-based organizations

Eligible Activities: physical improvements and/or safety services for a facility and adjacent grounds; a community managed open space (i.e., turning a vacant blighted space into a safe gathering space for residents); and/or establishing or expanding community-led cleaning and greening activities such as litter prevention and beautification

Application Deadline to Apply: Friday, October 21, 2022,​ at 5:00 PM

Business District and Neighborhood Safety:

The minimum grant request is $50,000 and the maximum grant request amount is $100,000

Eligible Applicants: A tax-exempt nonprofit organization or local government

Eligible Activities: comprehensive physical improvements and/or community safety services that benefit specific local business districts and/or neighborhoods, making places safer for residents, merchants and visitors.

Application Deadline to Apply: Friday, October 21, 2022,​ at 5:00 PM

Crime and Violence Intervention and Prevention:

The maximum grant request is $250,000

Eligible Applicants: A tax-exempt nonprofit organization

Eligible Activities: Grant requests will be for a comprehensive strategy that includes a set of partnerships and coordinated activities that go beyond physical changes and enhanced security services and instead directly engage people at-risk of becoming involved with or affected by violence and crime and avoid incarceration. Evidence-based interventions will provide restorative life choices for at-risk individuals; activities will aim to remove illegal activities from communities and interrupt the cycle of violence that can result from such activities.

Application Deadline to Apply: Wednesday, November 2, 2022, at 5:00 PM

How to Apply

The Community Safety Works application for each of the grant opportunities will be available online. Please be sure to read ALL instructions included in the application carefully to ensure you provide all requested informa​tion and documentation to submit a complete application.

Prior to submitting an application, you will be required to register with the Maryland OneStop Portal. OneStop is the central hub for Maryland State licenses, forms, certificates, permits, applications, and registrations and can be accessed at​

Note: The deadline to apply for each grant opportunity is listed above. Grant amounts may be reduced relative to requests, if demand exceeds available funding.

Sample Applications:

Note: These applications are only a sample (actual application may vary) to assist in providing information on the questions, documents and information required when submitting the online application via OneStop.

Read Carefully: All applications and required documents must be submitted online and complete to be considered for funding.

Sample ApplicationFacility and Community Improvement

Sample ApplicationBusiness District and Neighborhood Safety

Sample ApplicationCrime and Violence Prevention and Intervention


The following information may be of interest in developing a Community Safety Works application:​

More Information

Christine McPherson​
​​Program Officer, Community Access and Partnership
​​Division of Neighborhood Revitalization
​​Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development
​​2 North Charles Street, Suite 450
​​Baltimore, Maryland 21201
​​P: 410-209-5802