Contact Us

Please use the following form to provide more detailed information about your customer service needs, and a state employee will respond in a timely and responsive manner.​

Fill out my online form.

​​​​You can also call us during business hours at 301-429-7462 or toll free at 1-800-756-0119, or email our customer service desk at

Online Facility Accessibility Notification Form​

Our Locations​

Headquarters (Lanham, MD)

7800 Harkins Road, 
Lanham, MD 20706
P: 301-429-7400​
​TTY: 711/800-735-2258

Baltimore Office

2 North Charles Street, Suite 450
Baltimore, MD 21201
P: 410-209-5800

Cambridge Office

411 Dorchester Avenue, ​Suite 202
Cambridge, MD 21613
P: 1-800-445-4340

Program Contacts

Department of Housing - Customer Service

Multifamily Housing

Rental Services - Contract Administration

Rental Services at our Eastern Shore Regional Office

Veterans Services Specialist Program (VSS Program)​