Veterans Services Specialist Program (VSS Program)


Did You Serve in The Military? Do You have a Family Member Who Served in the Military?

Frequently Asked Questions

All Maryland State Government Departments and Agencies have a Veterans Services Specialist or “liaison” who can provide general information to State employees who have served in the military or who have family members who have served in the military with information on veteran-related resources. They can also answer general questions citizens may have about these resources. The Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs (MDVA) Outreach and Advocacy Program works alongside liaisons to share information and improve veteran services coordination.

Who is this Department/Agency’s Veterans’ Services Specialist (VSS)?

Jac​quetta Wright

Who else can I contact if I have a detailed question related to veteran benefits?

The MDVA Outreach and Advocacy Program is charged with informing veterans and family members on services, benefits, and assistance available to them from the State and Federal governments. The Outreach and Advocacy Program is capable of discussing VA benefits and how to connect with a variety of veteran related resources.

MDVA Outreach and Advocacy Program

Dana Burl, Director

Denise Nooe, Deputy Director

Website: ​​

What veteran programs/benefits are offered by this Department/Agency?

HELP Veterans Village at the Perry Point VA Medical Center Campus has 75 newly renovated and newly constructed units of housing for at-risk and formerly homeless veterans. Veterans who are chronically homeless and who are eligible for VA healthcare may be eligible for a project based voucher. ​The Veteran must meet with a VA social worker to verify eligibility for these vouchers.