Critical Home Repairs

​​Maryland Homeowner Assistance Fund WholeHome Grant

Through the Maryland Homeowner Assistance Fund, approximately $10 milli​on will be available to help homeowners with necessary repairs and energy efficiency improvements. The Homeowner Assistance Fund WholeHome Grant will help Maryland homeowners who have critical repair in their primary residence that they are unable to address because of the financial impact of COVID-19. Without addressing these repairs, it will cause the homeowner to be “involuntarily displaced” from the property. The grant will be capped at $10,000 and will be used to address any critical repairs, including mold remediation, asbestos and lead paint removal, no heat or no air, electrical repairs, plumbing and septic repairs, and other structural and maintenance issues. While this program provides financial assistance for the identified critical repairs, this program is not emergency services.​​

For more information, call 877-568-6105 or email


  • Eligible financial hardship after January 21, 2020
  • 150% of AMI (see chart in program fact sheet)
  • Maryland homeowners
  • Homeowners residing in their primary residence
  • Homeowners by evidence by the deed of trust
  • Provide a work proposal for the critical​ repair by a licensed and insured Maryland Home Improvement Contractor with appropriate photos or drawings.​


  • Grant – no instrument recorded
  • Maximum assistance - $10,000
