Frequently Asked Questions

​​1. What is Project C.O.R.E. and how will it benefit Baltimore City?

On Jan. 5, Governor Larry Hogan and Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake announced a four-year partnership to demolish thousands of vacant buildings to serve as the catalyst for redevelopment, reinvestment, and stabilization in Baltimore. Project Creating Opportunities for Renewal and Enterprise – or Project C.O.R.E. – is the name of this initiative.

The goal of this historic partnership is to improve economic opportunity and quality of life in Baltimore City neighborhoods. It is a far-reaching initiative designed to address the needs of the existing population as well as expand opportunities for the development and expansion of small businesses that will benefit the community, the city and the entire state of Maryland. 

Project C.O.R.E. investments will result in safer and more attractive neighborhoods, more jobs, more green space, and more quality, energy efficient affordable housing for the benefit of existing residents.

2. What is the timetable for Project C.O.R.E.?

Project C.O.R.E. is a four-year initiative that will have significant future impact.

Opportunities for demolition will be determined by Baltimore City in partnership with the community.

3. How can I follow the progress of Project C.O.R.E.?

To stay up to date on the schedule of demolition, please monitor our website at​

4. Will the community be involved in choosing the sites for demolition?

Yes. The community will be a valued partner throughout the process. Baltimore City has established a transparent and ongoing process to engage communities in identifying targets for demolition as well as identifying new purposes for resulting open spaces. The city engages affected communities regularly through its ongoing Vacants to Value (or V2V) program. The schedule of Project C.O.R.E. demolitions will continue to be determined after substantial community input.

5. Will this initiative lead to the involuntary relocation of residents in the city?

No. Project C.O.R.E. will not forcibly displace residents. For those residents living in affected areas, provisions will be made by Baltimore City for their relocation in accordance with the federal Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (or Uniform Act). The goal of Project C.O.R.E. is to empower residents by improving economic opportunity and quality of life in existing neighborhoods. Additionally, it is expected that Project C.O.R.E. will result in the creation of jobs and housing opportunities for new residents to live and work in revitalizing neighborhoods.

6. How can I participate in Project C.O.R.E.?

The best way to participate is by checking the information posted to the Project C.O.R.E. web pages on the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development’s website, which is:

7. Will this initiative raise my taxes?


8. Will this initiative move blight to another neighborhood?

No. Baltimore City is working closely with affected communities to ensure that Project C.O.R.E. supports city residents and that all neighborhoods benefit from the initiative.

9. Will this initiative accommodate people with different incomes and wealth?

Yes. Project C.O.R.E. will result in a mix of affordable single family and multifamily housing along with green space and commercial development.

10. Will Project C.O.R.E. create transportation choices?

The initiative will coordinate its resources with programs and plans of the Maryland Department of Transportation​ and other state and city agencies. Project C.O.R.E. will complement Governor Hogan’s recent plan to improve Baltimore's transit system. Announced in October 2015, the plan will support a CityLink system — a color-coded network of 12 high-frequency Maryland Transit Administration routes serving downtown Baltimore. Governor Hogan’s financial support for CityLink is expected to provide better access to local employment and services for all city residents.

11. Will Project C.O.R.E. create employment opportunities?

Yes. Project C.O.R.E. will link job-seeking residents with demolition, deconstruction, stabilization, and redevelopment activity supported by the initiative. In addition, Project C.O.R.E. will support training programs and partner with local trade organizations, non-profit organizations, and other agencies within the State of Maryland to provide a range of workforce development services.

12. Will Project C.O.R.E. expand beyond Baltimore City?

The focus for Project C.O.R.E. is Baltimore City. The initiative will create shovel-ready development opportunities that will positively impact areas that are not able to access existing investment tools. Other existing programs and resources serving Marylanders will remain available statewide.

13. Why is the Maryland Stadium Authority involved in Project C.O.R.E.?​

Project C.O.R.E. represents an important and unique new partnership between Baltimore City, the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development, and the Maryland Stadium Authority and will utilize the core strengths of each in order to accelerate blight removal and reinvestment in Baltimore City neighborhoods. The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development’s core strength is financing; the City’s core strength includes community engagement, land use planning, and strategic development; and the Stadium Authority’s core strength is project management. The partnership will build upon these strengths to create a strong team that can realize greater results than otherwise would be possible.