Four Year Plan

Phase I – Demolition Of Blighted Properties​​

The state will invest $75 million, along with $18.5 million of investment from Baltimore City, over four years to demolish as many city blocks of blight as possible.

Click on the map below to view locations recommended by the City of Baltimore for demolition during the first year of Phase I activity.

Phase 1 recommended demo map

The Maryland Stadium Authority will serve as project manager. The Baltimore City Department of Housing will identify potential properties for demolition. These properties will be reviewed with the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development for final approval.

Once a property is demolished or stabilized, the Maryland Stadium Authority will be responsible for grading, seeding and fencing the site. The city provides in-kind services with a monetary value of $0.25 for every $1 in state allocations.

Fiscal Year 2017 Request for Applications Awardees

In December 2016, Governor Larry Hogan announced awardees for Project C.O.R.E. demolition funds. 36 different Baltimore City agencies and nonprofit community development organizations applied for funding for 77 projects. After careful deliberation, nearly $16 million was awarded to 30 projects. These awards will serve as the catalyst for an additional $285 million investment from public, private, and nonprofit development partners.​

Fiscal Year 2017 Awards List​

Phase II – Revitalization Through Redevelopment

The state will leverage an estimated $600 million through Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development programs to encourage new investment in these blighted communities.