Information for Contractors

​​​​​​​​​​​​Participation as an Eligible Contractor for the BeSMART Program

DHCD welcomes all contractors who meet the necessary eligibility criteria to participate in the BeSMART program for residential ​projects. Eligible contractors for the program will provide a high quality of work, a commitment to customer service, and demonstrate financial stability and personal integrity.

Details on the eligibility criteria required for program participation are provided in the Contractor Application document below.

For contractors interested in participating in the BeSMART program​, information on eligibility, how to apply, and application documents are below. After a contractor’s application has been submitted, reviewed and approved for eligibility, participating contractors will be listed on the Be​SMART website.

Contractor Documents

Marketing Materials for BeSMART Contractors

Contractors can help advertise the BeSMART program by letting customers know that financing is available through the Be​SMART programs. T​o assist contractors in explaining the financing for energy efficiency improvements available through the program, DHCD has provided the following marketing materials. If you have existing clients within the targeted areas that require financing for energy efficient improvements, please encourage them to apply.

​Be​SMART Home B​​rochure

More Information

CONTACT: ​Wadie Amoah
Housing & Building Energy Programs
Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development
7800 Harkins Road, Lanham, MD 20706